What is drop-in?

Drop-in refers to the available space on SportsHouse’s calendar that has not been booked by groups for private rentals, leagues, or practices.

Space is on a first-come first-serve basis. Drop-in does not guarantee that the court space will be just you and your group. On nights we have limited court space, you may be required to share.

We advise calling a few days before and again the day of to check if the space you want is available. You may also follow the outlined instructions to check online.

The only way to guarantee the space solely for your group is to do a rental.

Drop-ins are a great way to meet members of our community.

Drop-in fee per day is $12 for as long as we have space available (whether it’s 30 minutes or 3 hours). You may also purchase a membership to drop in for free.

Want to check our current available space for drop-in? Here’s how:

Step 1:

Sign into your SportsHouse account here.

Step 2:

Click ‘Rentals’ to go to the availability page.


Step 3:

You can use the Search Parameters to find your desired space as follows:

Type: We have basketball courts, volleyball courts, an indoor soccer field, and outdoor beach courts

Start & End Date: You can check our availability several months in advance to plan your group’s reservation

Time of Day: Morning, Afternoons, and Evenings are available

Days of the Week: You can select a specific date within the Start & End Date range you inputted if certain days don’t work

Once you’e inputted all your desired parameters, click ‘Search’.


Step 4:

Depending on what type of resource you are looking for (court, field, beach court), multiple options may appear if we have more than one court available. Select the one you desire and click ‘View More’.

Step 5:

Select the day you are interested in to see what time slots are available on that day. The screen will look like this:

If a time is not listed here, it means the slot is not currently available for drop-in.

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